FOCHTA’s latest graduates

FOCHTA would like to give heartfelt congratulations to Wilson Saikonde and Austin Kambalame who have recently graduated at Bunda College of Agriculture. Wilson received a B Sc (Agriculture) while Austin received B Sc (Irrigation Engineering). Below is a letter Austin wrote to his sponsors Lynne & John Oldfield of Brisbane, Australia.

Dear Lynne and John

 write to let you know that I have completed my studies on 31st July. Currently I’m pending graduation which will take place in November this year.

In a special way I would like to thank you for the support you have provided to me throughout the four years I have been doing my studies. I’m very thankful for the financial assistance as well as the priceless advice that have been a source of inspiration and motivation to me throughout the period.

I’m very happy now knowing that I have obtained knowledge and skills which will enable me to change my world and the world of those around me. This couldn’t be possible without your support. As such, I ask you to continue supporting other students who might be in the same situation as mine.

Finally I wish you a better and productive life.

With best regards

Austin Kambalame.

Posted on: Wednesday, 27 August 2014 at: 4:05 am
Filed under: Malawi news